Yoni Steaming Safety Information

There are times when vaginal steaming is not safe, making it all the more important to get the proper information and guidance for you, your body, and your healing.

Here you'll find times when vaginal steaming is not safe. 

Vaginal Steaming Not Safe to Steam Contraindications Kitara Love

Times when it is not safe to steam, include but are not limited to

1) Do not vaginal steam during pregnancy

Steam helps open the cervix, which is not safe during pregnancy. 

2) During menstruation/ period

During the monthly bleed/ period the uterine arteries are open and as steam increases blood flow, it is not safe to steam. 

3) If you are prone to or are experiencing spontaneous bleeding, bleed in-between periods, or have two periods per month

As steam increases blood flow, if you have the above experiences please work with a Certified Vaginal Steam Practitioner to ensure that you follow a safe steaming schedule. 

4) In extremely hot weather

Vaginal steaming warms the body and in circumstances of extremely hot weather, it is not advised. 

5) Don't yoni steam when trying to conceive, after ovulation.

When trying to conceive, it is NOT safe to steam after ovulation and before menstruation/ confirmation that you are not pregnant. Therefore, when trying to conceive, only steam during your follicular phase (in-between menstruation and ovulation) and do not steam after ovulation, insemination, or IUI/IVF transfer until menstruation or a doctor confirms that you are not pregnant. 

6) When using certain procedures and interventions for birth control. 

Vaginal steaming may cause the reversal of the following procedures and interventions: Endometrial Ablation, Tubal Cauterization, Essure, and the patch hormonal birth control that prevents pregnancy by thickening the uterine lining. If you are using any of these methods of birth control, please back them up before vaginal steaming. 

If you have any questions about vaginal steaming safely for your body, consult a Certified Vaginal Steam Practitioner in advance of starting a vaginal steam practice. 


Benefits and Reasons for Postpartum Vaginal Steaming. Postpartum Care and Postpartum Healing. Consultations with Vaginal Steam Practitioner and Kitara Love founder Kit Maloney
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program.

Everything You Need to Yoni Steam at Home

Steam safely & effectively with:

✔ All Inclusive Yoni Steam Set-ups

✔ Handmade Yoni Steam Seats   

✔ Safe Yoni Steam Pots 

✔ Organic Yoni Steam Herbs

✔ Yoni Steam Robes and Blankets

✔ Special Yoni Steam Accessories

Kitara Yoni Steam Seats Feature:

  • Premium Birch and Solid Red Cedar Woods
  • Handles or collapsibility for ease of portability
  • Lids with elongated diamond openings - allowing steam to reach from vulva to anus
  • Finished and protected by 100% Tung Oil (all natural and toxin-free)
  • Tested up to 350lbs
  • 14in x14in x 14in, Functional and Comfortable